The Mango Prophecy

I was catching up with a friend from the midwest today and she told me a great story about one of her students. She is an art teacher for kindergarten thru grade school students, and always has hilarious stories to share…. this one I found particularly endearing in the words of a kindergartener named Charlie.

Jen was telling her kindergarten class about how she loves mangos and asked them if they had ever tried the fruit.:

Jen: ” Have you ever had a mango Charlie?”

Charlie: “Yes. I love them. I had one in the future. It is delicious!”

Jen: ” In the future? That is amazing! I wish I could have some future fruit!”

Charlie:  “You can! All you have to do is close your eyes, and think about what you want real hard, and see it in your mind. And then one day… it will be there.”

Oh, Charlie, if only more of us adults had your wisdom! I am sure he will have a mango some day in the near future, he has foretold at least that much for his young existence. Jen and I couldn’t help but think this kid will go far in the world with his take on fruit, and how wonderfully simple and specific a child’s desires are for life. Ask and you shall receive, lil’ Charles. And thanks for the life lesson.

My wish for you: One big a** mango.

"Mango Dream" ©The Big Mango, Bowen, Queensland. Date 10/9/06 Author Amos T Fairchild

Namaste yogatators!

Erica Rose ♥

5 Responses to “The Mango Prophecy”
  1. abbycdiddy says:

    THATS SOOO RAAAAAAAAAD!!! I actually wrote my journal entry for today- yesterday! so i can make everything awesome happen!! ha. I will just go back today and cross out what didn’t happen. But seriously, woo. that charlie will do well if he keeps that up!!

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